Page 80 - 英文呈分貼題王小6上
P. 80

Short forms

               In speech and informal writing, we can use the following short forms:

                 Long form               Short form                 Long form       Short form

                 I am                    I ‘m                       I am not        I’m not

                 You are                 You’re                     You are not     You’re not or you aren’t

                 We are                  We’re                      We are not      We ‘re not or we aren’t

                 They are                They’re                    They are not    They’re not or they aren’t

                 He is                   He’s                       He is not       He’s not or he isn’t

                 She is                  She’s                      She is not      She’s not or she isn’t

                 It is                   It’s                       It is not       It’s not or it isn’t

                 Long form                                          Short form

                 I / he/ she/ it was not                            I / he/ she/ it wasn’t

                 You/ we/ they were not                             You/ we/ they weren’t

                 I / you/ we/ they do not                           I / you/ we/ they don’t

                 He/ she/ it does not                               He/ she/ it doesn’t

                 I / you/ we/ they/ he/ she/ it did not             I / you/ we/ they/ he/ she/ it didn’t

                 I will                                             I’ll

                 You will                                           You’ll

                 We will                                            We’ll

                 They will                                          They’ll

                 He/ She will                                       He’ll/ She' ll

                 I / you/ we/ they/ he/ she/ it will not            I / you/ we/ they/ he/ she/ it won’t

                 I have                                             I’ve

                 You have                                           You’ve

                 We have                                            We’ve

             80       Appendix: Essential English Grammar for Primary School                                                                            Appendix: Essential English Grammar for Primary School

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