Page 75 - 英文呈分貼題王小6上
P. 75

Test3                             ii                     My Friend, Nick  7  of   8  for   9  into
                                                      Nick is a generous boy who always shares  10  Without
                                                                                                      11 off
                                                                                                               12 off
                                                      things with others. He wants to be a teacher
                    A                                 when he grows up. He wants to teach  E
                    1  did you go                     English. If he becomes a teacher, he will  1  I will fly to space.
                    2  shot     3  beats   4  teach   teach a lot of students. If he were Kong Zi,  2  I will help people in trouble.
                    5  turns    6  learns   7  were   he would teach people how to behave well.  3  I will rescue people in danger.
                    8  would not hurt   9  have                                          4  If I become an architect, I will
                    10  plays        11  does not share  H                               design new buildings.
                                                                Jayden’s Dream           5  If I become a flight attendant, I
                    B                                 One day, Jayden and Kate talked about their  will fly to Japan.
                    1  C       2  B     3  B    4  D   dream jobs. ‘What do you want to be when
                    5  D       6  B     7  A          you grow up?’ asked Kate. ‘I want to be  F
                    8i  notice   ii uncomfortable     an astronaut when I grow up. I like to be  1  C   2  D   3  B
                    9  Accept any reasonable answer.  an astronaut because I want to walk on the  4  D   5  D   6  D
                    Yes. Because I will do exercise in everyday  moon.’                  7  A         8  C     9  D
                    and eat a balanced diet. These can help me  At night, Jayden was excited because he  10  Accept any reasonable answer.
                    maintain my health and shape.     dreamed  he  was  an  astronaut,  and  he  was  I would choose ______ to move if I
                                                      walking on the moon. ‘I love walking on  were one of the little pigs because…
                    C                                 the moon. Walking on it is very exciting!’
                    1  He comes from Japan.           Suddenly, he saw an alien. The alien was  G
                    2  He likes Japanese food.        chasing him so that he can play with  1.  from  everyday  unwanted  materials
                    3  His nationality is Australian.  Jayden. Jayden screamed, ‘Help! Help! I  at home because I decided to    1. so
                    4  He likes Italian food and French food.  will run very fast!’      2. make  ^   robot. Let me show you
                    5  His home country is China.     When the alien caught him, his mother said,  how.             2. a
                    6  He likes Canadians.            ‘Wake up! Did you have a bad dream?’ ‘Yes,  3.  First, I covered a box with aluminum
                                                      I dreamed an alien chasing me, I was very  foil. Then I do the same    3. did
                    D                                 scared!’ Jayden said, ‘Silly boy, it was just  4. with the toilet rolls  what I have
                    1  A      2  C      3  A    4  C  a dream.’ Jayden’s mum said. Then Jayden  collected in the past few weeks.
                                                      woke up and have a new day.                           4. that/ which
                    D2                                                                   5.  After that I cut two of the  bump
                    1  (T)    2  (T)   3  (T)   4  (T)                                   from the egg carton also covered
                    5  (F)    6  (T)   7  (F)   8  (F)  Test4                                                   5. bumps
                                                      A                                  6. them in foil to make the eyes of the
                    D3                                1  The stocks of dry wood in the bakery’s   robot. That was ^ most difficult   6. the
                    1  Stamp collecting.              kitchen caught fire.               7. part because the bumps were hard to
                    2  A stamp collection.            2  They escaped by climbing on to the   cut if you used a pair of sharp 7. unless
                    3  Foreign and old ones.          roof and jumping to the next house.   8. scissors. Then I sticked the eyes to
                    4  Books and records.             3  A strong easterly wind was blowing and   one of the boxes using tape.  8. stuck
                    5  Some rich people.              the fire moved west through the city.  9. There, the robot head was finish.
                    6  Those by famous artists.       4  It lasted for three days.                            9. finished
                                                      5  Yes, it was. About four-fifths of the city   10.  Next, I used three toilet rolls to
                    E                                 was burnt and more than 10,000 people had   make each legs and each arm,   10. leg
                    1  D      2  B      3  B   4  D   lost their homes.                  11. I also attached the arms and legs to
                    5  B      6  D      7  C   8  B                                      the robot’s body which ^ made
                                                      B                                  12. ‘rubbish’ can be quite useful unless
                    F                                 1  D        2  B      3  F         we are creative! It feels food     12. if
                    1  of       2  for    3  with     4  E        5  A      6  C
                    4  on       5  of     6  of                                          H
                    7  for      8  by     9  by       C                                  1  B         2  D     3  C
                    10  for                           1  has lived  2  left   3  received  4  B       5  A & C
                                                      4  will return  5  Welcome
                    G i                               6  will meet   7  was cooking
                             My friend, Jenny         8  shout    9  will be
                    Jenny is a helpful girl who always helps   10  see   11 have not finished
                    people. She wants to be a nurse when she   12  will have
                    grows up. She wants to look after sick
                    people.  If she  becomes  a nurse,  she  will   D
                    help a lot of people. If she were Florence   1  in   2  of   3  of
                    Nightingale, she would help a lot of   4  against   5  since   6  of

                                                                 尖子樂園英文呈分模擬試卷                                         75

                                                                 第二次呈分試-試卷 答案

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