Page 35 - 加拿大升學移民實戰
P. 35
加拿大 Stream A 升學
The Maple Couple 同學會各行各業統計
教育及社福界 香港人首選課程 (2 年 Diploma)
1. Early Childhood Education
( 如本身已為幼教老師,須小心選課 )
2. Business - Management
3. Human Resources Management
4. Fitness and Health Promotion
5. Social Service Worker
6. Community Development Worker
7. Developmental Services Worker
8. Community and Social Services
9. Child and Youth Care
2022 年版本排名不分先後
超過 1,500 名香港學生的資料庫 10. Recreation Management in Gerontology
The Maple Couple 同學會各行各業統計
IT 及工程界 香港人首選課程 (2 年 Diploma)
1. Building Systems Engineering
2. Architectural Technician
3. Building Construction Technician
4. Automotive Collisions
5. Computer Programming / System Technology
6. Software Engineering
7. Automotive / Electrical/ Mechanical/
Electronics Technician
8. Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
The Maple Couple 同學會各行各業統計 Technician
醫護及科學界 香港人首選課程 (2 年 Diploma) 9. Civil / Energy Systems Engineering Technician
10. Aviation Operations
2022 年版本排名不分先後 11. Supply Chain Operations
超過 1,500 名香港學生的資料庫 12. Carpentry and Renovation
The Maple Couple 同學會各行各業統計
金融界 香港人首選課程 (2 年 Diploma)
1. Hospitality - Hotel Operations Management
2. Software Engineering Technician
3. Business - Accounting
4. Business - Marketing
5. Financial Services
6. Office Admin — Legal
7. Supply Chain Management
8. Interactive Media Design
9. Business - Insurance
2022 年版本排名不分先後 10. New Media Production and Design
超過 1,500 名香港學生的資料庫
11. Fashion Business